


In addition, he is a Doctoral and Law Faculty at California Southern University and Doctoral Faculty at Grand Canyon University. Dr. Mozes-Carmel earned his Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Nova Southeastern University. He earned his JD from the University of Florida and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

He is an experienced teacher of conflict resolution and research methods with considerable expertise in both traditional and online delivery formats. He specializes in curriculum and academic program development. He conducts research and writing on instructional content delivery and conflict resolution methods. His research interest is an empirical approach to the impact of cognitive differences on conflict. Dr. Mozes-Carmel gained more than 30 years of clinical and practical experience in Law, Conflict Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

The firm is managed by Abraham Mozes Carmel, J.D., Ph.D., Attorney at Law and Mediator.

Our firm provides comprehensive legal advice in US law from start to finish, and is characterized by thorough and diligent work, personal and professional service and cooperation with renowned experts in Israel and the USA.

Our firm’s offices are located in Tel Aviv, where our dedicated professional team works in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and where any client can feel at home, assured that his case is in good hands.

Dr. Avi Mozes-Carmel is a Senior Research Fellow at Besserman Center of Conflict Resolution at Salisbury University, formerly the Local Dean (Campus College Chair) the College of Arts and Sciences for South Florida Campus of the University of Phoenix, and Professor of Research Methods, Statistics and Conflict Management in the Graduate School of Business Administration and Management as well as for the School of Advanced Studies.


התקשר עכשיו דילוג לתוכן